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Why is there no "Links tab" on the Properties View with the RSA 9/DM 4.0.4 combination?

Todd Dunnavant (571019) | asked Oct 27 '13, 10:14 p.m.
I have recently upgraded my environment from RSA 8.5 + DM 4.0.2, to RSA 9.0 + DM 4.0.4.  Previously, I was able to connect to DM Server using the RSA DM Extension's Design Explorer view and, for the models for which Workspace Links exist between Design Explorer and Project Explorer, create links and comments in Project Explorer.  With the new combination (RSA 9 and DM 4.0.4), I seem to have lost these capabilities -- in fact, when I access a model element from Project Explorer, my Property Views no longer have the "Links" tab.

Any ideas for fixing these problems will be greatly appreciated!

BTW, it's clear to me that Design Explorer "knows" about the model elements in Project Explorer, because I can open a diagram in Design Explorer, select an element, and navigate to it in Project Explorer.

One answer

permanent link
Steve Arnold (28131511) | answered Oct 28 '13, 6:10 p.m.
Ok - is there a workspace link in the design explorer view linking the model in RSADM to the model in the RSA workspace ??  I think that link has to be in place in order for the links tab to appear - otherwise there is no way for the RSA client to know which RSADM model its linked to.  If you select the model element in RSADM, then you should see a links tab.

Hope this helps


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