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[closed] CLM 4.0.x upgrade - such a winding road...

Chris Ryan (15732428) | asked Mar 27 '13, 10:52 a.m.
closed Sep 24 '21, 7:39 a.m. by Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103)
I'm hoping to get some chiming in on what the path of least resistance is going to be, considering the following scenario:

Our production Jazz instance is  Since we had to upgrade the OS we're running it on, we decided to create our 4.0.2 "to be" production servers from scratch.  New servers, install WAS 8, Oracle, etc....

When we populate the 4.0.2 database with our production data, the data will be in format (schemas, etc...).  As I understand it, we can use repotools to "upgrade" a database to 4.0.2.

So, to summarize, our high-level path is as follows:
  1. Install Oracle, WAS on new servers
  2. Install CLM 4.0.2
  3. Migrate database
    1. Import a data pump of data into Oracle
    2. Follow any relevant steps here:
  4. Run CLM Setup

Anyone have any thoughts/words of wisdom?

Thanks a million,

Bo Chulindra commented Mar 27 '13, 2:41 p.m.

Maybe I'm understanding something wrong, but you would have to follow the instructions for upgrading to 4.0.2, correct?

On a side note, it looks like the 4.0.2 help doc server is down, but here's the 4.0.1 help doc which should be the same.

The question has been closed for the following reason: "The question is answered, right answer was accepted" by krzysztofkazmierczyk Sep 24 '21, 7:39 a.m.

Accepted answer

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Guido Schneider (3.4k1491115) | answered Mar 27 '13, 1:32 p.m.
Your plan is quite good. I did the same two month ago (with DB2 instead of Oracle).

Only thing I did different was the order of moving the Database onto the new system.
I first went to a two node system, with Windows 2008-R2/64bit, Jazz 4.0.1 and WAS on one system and the database on the original system. And after the upgrade of the DB to 4.0.1 schema, I backuped restored it onto the new system.
Because I have a seperate DNS entry (CNAME) for the Database server, also when running on same node than jazz, I can simply split and bring together without changes in the setup. Just by DNS entries or host file entries.

If you do it this way with two nodes, you must copy the old JazzTeamserver directory onto the new server, because repotool needs the old directory paralle to the new JazzTeamserver directory for migrationg.

I suggest you install Jazz always into a directory with the version number in it. eg. c:\ibm\jazzteamserver_401. You always need this seperated for each version for upgrading.

I also suggest to split the different applications into multiple WAS profiles e.g. JTS, CCM, RQM, RRC and for this you must install the application also in different dierctories e.g. JazzTeamServer_JTS_401, JazzTeamServe_CCM_401 etc.

A bit difficult could be the part of the indexes. Because they were relativ defined in 3.0.x, they may not be there where they should be. In 4.0.x they will be absoluty defined. But I did not care. I simple created them complettly from scratch at the new location.

Be aware, there is a problem with WAS (at least on windows) and dashboard widgets. I required a testfix from WAS to solve it. WAS is working correctly. WAS should have it solved. See:
Chris Ryan selected this answer as the correct answer

Chris Ryan commented Apr 03 '13, 1:21 p.m.

Thanks a million Guido.

As per usual, a very helpful post.

2 other answers

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Jim Ruehlin (79114) | answered Mar 28 '13, 2:40 p.m.
One thing to make sure of is that your public URIs are the same on the new server as they were on the old server. This is required in order to be able to access all your data.

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Chris Ryan (15732428) | answered Mar 28 '13, 3:13 p.m.
Thanks everyone for the responses.  I'll take a look on Tuesday of next week and will let you know I fare out.