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Flow Stream with 1 Component into a Stream with 2 components

Donald Hurley (111) | asked Nov 04 '15, 9:03 a.m.
I have a stream with 1 component, that I want to flow into a stream with 2 components.
So a stream that contained a "Developer Resources Component" would be used by multiple projects and teams.  And I would want to flow that stream into another stream with something the teams project, so that they could then build.
Stream 1
  • Developer Resource
Stream 2
  • TeamA Project
  • Developer Resource Stream
When I do something like this and flow Stream 1 into Stream 2, I get an error stating.  That a workspace is missing the TeamA project, and that the stream has components that are not present in the source.
Am I going about this wrong?

Chris McGee commented Nov 27 '15, 10:50 a.m.

Hi Donald,

Can you provide the exact text of the error message? It will help us to understand the nature of the problem you are running into.


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