Where can I find an IBM official list of the version numbers of third party libraries included with releases of Jazz, RTC, etc.

Accepted answer

I don't think we publish a list on ibm.com or jazz.net, however in our notices file, e.g. <eclipse installdir>/jazz/client/license/notices.html, we list in a very scattered manner all open source packages and some of those listed include versions. These notices files are in our files in the downloads, e.g. the Eclipse client plain zip. The notices file includes other notice file content, e.g Eclipse, Java/JRE, etc. The file is very large so I am not sure how accurate it is.
The dojo version does not seem to be listed in the notices file. The dojo version we have can be seen in the JF server zip.

Thanks, Daniel. I had feared as much. Since you posted your response, I have been downloading and searching through various versions of JF installations. I haven't found anything to add to your comments, except that the dojo jar files themselves include the version numbers (yea!). For 5.0.2, the included dojo jar files are for version 1.8.4. and 1.8.1 (org.dojotoolkit.dojo_1.8.4.v20130626_0447.jar, org.dojotoolkit.dijit_1.8.4.v20140929_2018.jar, org.dojotoolkit.dojox_1.8.1000.v20131121_0106.jar). That's probably more reliable than any notices anyway :-) Documentation can easily get out of date. I happen to be using dojox charting at the moment for a 5.0.2 project, so I can (presumably) rely on the corresponding dojox 1.8.1 (or closest) documentation.

Correction: the dojox is 1.8.10 (I think)