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Clear Quest doesn't works with Quality manager using Internet Explorer 9

Rafael Rodriguez Montes (23013130258) | asked Mar 06 '13, 4:47 p.m.
edited Mar 06 '13, 5:40 p.m.

My issue is when I try to link a Defect in ClearQuest using Quality Manager, in IE8, and FireFox 19 works good, but with Internet Explorer 9 I got a blank window ( When I try to create a new Defect). Like this:

When I run my IE 9 in mode IE7 or IE8 works good, but I need a solution that doesn't impact to users, In Clear Quest I'm NOT using https, but in Quality Manager I'm using https (Integration ClearQuest - Quality Manager), I don't want change this schema because the impact for the user could be strong.
In the log of the Console of IE9 I got this error:
SEC7111: HTTPS security is compromised by http://xxxx:xxxx/cqweb/scripts...

are there some configuration in Jazz server for fix this issue???

Thank you!.

Zhuo Chang commented Mar 26 '13, 9:17 a.m. | edited Mar 26 '13, 9:21 a.m.

which version is CQ? I know there is the same issue before CQ version, and fix had been delivered to CQ's version

Accepted answer

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Tory Jaskoviak (52015) | answered Apr 01 '13, 7:15 p.m.
Hi Rafael,

I'm copying Zhuo Chang's response above as one possible answer "I know there is the same issue before CQ version, and fix had been delivered to CQ's version"

In order to troubleshoot further, please provide the version of CQ.
Rafael Rodriguez Montes selected this answer as the correct answer

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