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SQL Server 2008 clustering with CLM 2012

ARMAND ANGLADE (12169) | asked May 16 '13, 9:18 a.m.
Currently SQL Server 2008 clustering is not officially supported for CLM2012.

In situation in which clients must have the production DB running on a SQL Server 2008 in Cluster Environment for disaster recovery, I would expect to receive some best practices or recommendations settings to ensure that they can run CLM2012 without any risks of DB corruption or performance degradation.

Can you give me recommendations when running on that configuration ?

Thx and Best regards,

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Stephanie Bagot (2.1k1513) | answered May 16 '13, 2:32 p.m.
Because SQL Server 2008 is not supported in a CLM Clustered environment, we do not have any recommendations on settings to prevent performance degradation or DB corruption.
In a cold/idle standby configuration (which is supported for disaster recovery with SQL Server 2008) you should ensure that RTC only connects to one DB at a time, and that the data is replicated between the primary and secondary DBs.

Here is some documentation on Maximizing Performance when using Cold/Idle Standby

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