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How to fix data in repository to resolve Plan Load Bar problem?

Robert Carter (42928789) | asked Sep 30 '15, 8:48 a.m.
I have identified a problem with my process template's ability to calculate the load values for plans.  I created a new project area with a 1 day iteration(12:00AM to 11:59 PM) and one member to test if my entire installation was corrupt.  My new Project Area and plans calculate the load value correctly at a load value of 8 total hours available.

My old Project Area calculations of loads values are inflated and incorrect.  If I create the same scenario in my old project area it calculates the 1 day iteration(12:00AM to 11:59 PM)
 with one member having a load of 264 total hours available.

The difference with the Old Project Area and new Project Area is I followed the steps to add the "time tracking" features of the formal template to the scrum template.

Is there away to correct this data problem?

Another observation is if I change the work environment for the 1 day that the iteration takes place for instance I change Work Environment:
Workday length 8hrs quitting time 5pm : 88*3=264 hours available (Expecting to see 8hrs)
Workday length 7hrs quitting time 5pm : 77*3=231 hours available (Expecting to see 7hrs)
Workday length 6hrs quitting time 5pm : 66*3=198 hours available (Expecting to see 6hrs)

Robert Carter commented Oct 05 '15, 3:14 p.m.

Could this be fixed in the Process Template/Source XML?  Or would this be a database problem fix.

One answer

permanent link
Robert Carter (42928789) | answered May 05 '16, 8:25 a.m.
I have upgraded to 6.0.1 and this has resolved my problem.

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