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Rank in Plan with Tree View with link type "Related" - weird ranking behaviour

Jürgen Brückler (69222) | asked Oct 04 '18, 9:30 a.m.

In a flat plan view we have 3 work items (A, B, C) in a plan ranked 1, 2, 3.
The first two work items have a "related"-link to other work items (that are filed against another team and therefore are not part of this plan): A>D, B>E

When I switch to a tree view (by showing the link type "Related") the rank (for A, B, C) is shown as 1, 2, 1.
When I click into the rank field, the rank (for A, B C) is displayed as -1, -1, 1.

I guess this behavior comes from the circumstance, that "Related" is an undirected link (Workitem A is related to Workitem D is related to Workitem A).

When changing the rank in this tree view:
1. I cannot set any workitem to rank 3 (error: "The number entered creates a gap in planning. Proceed with assigning the next available rank (1) to the plan item?").
2. When I change the rank using drag & drop, after saving the plan one workitem is shown like this: D>A>D. The other workitem is shown B>E, but with an info icon that there is a circular dependency, involving workitems B, E, B.
After refreshing the plan view, it is shown as A>D, B>E with no more info/warning icons.

Has anyone ever tried using a tree view for ranks by using the "Related" link type?
Do you have any hints for me?


One answer

permanent link
Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103) | answered Oct 04 '18, 10:58 a.m.

It looks like a configuration issue. Please create a new case to support.

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