Is there a plan in the works to get Configuration Management in QM to behave the same way as Configuration Management in RM?
As you know, if you enable Configuration Management in RM, you have the ability to create change sets, deliver change sets, discard change sets, and accept changes. If you enable Configuration Management in QM, you do not have the ability to do these same tasks mentioned in the previous sentence. Is there a plan in the works to get Configuration Management in QM to behave the same way as Configuration Management in RM behaves? As of now, it seems like the only way to manage source control in QM is to create baselines and merging them into the stream. Please advise. Thank you.
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Hi. Yes you are correct RQM today does not support change sets and that given the capability we have today baselines are the way to share changes between streams. We have change set support in our backlog. We are interested in hearing customer use cases and priority for this support. Are there use cases you could share with us for using change sets in the Quality Management domain?
Thank you for your response. An example is that there may be two users working in parallel on the same QM project. Each user wants to keep his changes isolated from the main QM project until they are sure that there changes are acceptable. At this point, they want to deploy their changes to the main project.