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Need information regarding Importing TestCases and test Script in IBM QM

Vinay Kumar (356) | asked May 07 '20, 4:02 a.m.

 Hi All,

I am looking for information regarding Importing Test Cases and test Script in IBM QM.

  1. I found an option of importing test cases. But there is no option for importing test scripts.
  2. How should XML schema look like for test case import? 

As I am new to this topic, appreciate the support.


Vinay Kumar

Bartosz Chrabski commented May 07 '20, 6:30 a.m. | edited May 07 '20, 6:31 a.m.

Thanks for asking this

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Bartosz Chrabski (3.4k22949) | answered May 07 '20, 6:30 a.m.

 Hi Vinaj,

Both Test Cases and Test Scripts can be imported into IBM Test Management (RQM) using Excel Importer.

Please check out the following article:

BTW. Excel imported allows you to generate xml or import the data directly to the Test Management (QM).

Vinay Kumar selected this answer as the correct answer

Vinay Kumar commented May 07 '20, 6:52 a.m.

Thanks for insight.  

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