Can the size of medium sting attributes be increased above 1000 characters ?
About a ClearQuest to RTC migration:
A custom ClearQuest record type has a number of multiline text fields which are well over 1000 characters.
The size of the data in the CQ fields requires RTC long text attributes.
The multiline text fields are used in the filter of a large number of ClearQuest queries. confirms that the content of large string attributes cannot be used in query conditions.
Can the size of medium text string fields be increased so that they can store data from ClearQuest multiline text fields without truncation ?
A custom ClearQuest record type has a number of multiline text fields which are well over 1000 characters.
The size of the data in the CQ fields requires RTC long text attributes.
The multiline text fields are used in the filter of a large number of ClearQuest queries. confirms that the content of large string attributes cannot be used in query conditions.
Can the size of medium text string fields be increased so that they can store data from ClearQuest multiline text fields without truncation ?
Donald Nong
Aug 25 '15, 12:17 a.m.Willy,
Just to clarify, you can search content in the large string attributes using the query condition "full text", but you cannot restrict the full text search to a specific attribute.