how to start working with eclipse?
i have installed the RTC 5.0.2 client on my C++ eclipse development environment.
i have already setup my stream and personal workspace. also the sandbox is already loaded.
i opened the eclipse now with the sandbox a the workspace. is it right? or should i set the workspace to be the component folder?
i already have a project (C++) define there (in the component folder) and i want it to be recognized by the RTC as unresolved pending changes... but it doesn't. i also don't see any small icons on the files of the project (i have only one file at the moment (cpp and h files).
is there any tutorial on how to work with RTC source control in eclipse? from the workspace initialization (of eclipse) through the project compilation?
thanks in advance!
Accepted answer
There are additional links there that you would want to read through...
and as they say "picture speaks a 1000 words", refer to this diagram :
One other answer
For additional videos and tutorials see Rational Team Concert source control and Source control.