Creating query: filter items between two dates
One answer
Hi Busra,
Please find the eg: for usage pattren and also link for more details.
By choosing Relative Date, the control for time stamps allows to specify a point in time or a time range that relates to the time of execution: For the after and before operators, the variable returns the time of execution plus the offset.
"Creation Date after 2 days ago" would mean "Created within the last 48 hours".
For the is and is not operators, the point is time is calculated as above, but the variable returns a time range that encompasses that point in time using the chosen time unit.
"Creation Date is 2 days ago" would mean "Created on June 1", if today is June 3.
"Creation Date is 1 month ago" would mean "Created from May 1 to May 31" or "Created last month", if today is June 3
"Due Date is 1 year from now" would mean "Due between Jan 1, 2009 and Dec 31, 2009", if today is June 3, 2008
Note that there is currently no time zone correction for the client executing the query: The day starts and ends at midnight server time