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Why do artifacts imported from CSV display unwanted less-than sign and greater-than sign

Taro Misaki (145517) | asked Jul 22 '15, 8:54 p.m.
edited Jul 23 '15, 12:26 a.m.
I am using DNG 5.0.2. I imported a CSV into a folder. When I browse the folder, the texts shows correctly. When I click on the artifact and then Edit, it shows the texts between "<" and ">". This happens to all artifacts I imported from CSV. Is it a bug?

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Howard Hsiao (5.5k17) | answered Jul 22 '15, 9:01 p.m.
edited Jul 22 '15, 9:02 p.m.
Please confirm the following: 
1. In the CSV file you imported, it has "Primary Text" column 
2. In the CSV file you imported, it does NOT have "Name" column 
3. After import, the default view is used and hence you are displaying the "Name" column, not the "Primary Text" column 

If the "Name" field is NOT set for an artifact, 
1. when displaying, it will be displayed the same as the "Primary Text" field 
2. when editing, it will be displayed as the "Primary Text" field and it will also be enclosed between "<" and ">" to serve as a reminder that the "Name" field has not been set. 

 "Primary Text" field of an artifact does NOT need to be the same to the "Name" field and the two fields can be set independently. 
This behaviour is not only applied for imported CSV, but also applied to a newly created artifact. 
In your future usage, will "Name" field and "Primary Text" field ever to be different?                                                             
If it will, then when viewing artifacts in a module or folder, it is recommended to display the "Primary Text" column rather than "Name" column.                                                                 
If having "<" and ">" when editing "Name" field is a concern to you, you can duplicate the "Primary Text" column in CSV, make it a "Name" column and then export to CSV.

Taro Misaki selected this answer as the correct answer

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