RQM Verdict Dropdown menu customization

We use RQM v5.0.1 and we have a requirement from one of our customers asking us to add an item called "NA" in the dropdown list of Verdict.
Verdict can be found when you are running a test case execution record. Attached screenshot shows this.
I found that "Manage Project Properties" page has "Execution States" where you can rename the existing state, but those changes appears only in the dropdown of "Actual Results:" found in TestCase Results and Test Case Execution Record Results, but it is not found in the drop down of Verdict.
Please can anyone advise how to add this option under Verdict dropdown.

Venkatesh Prasad
Accepted answer


@Ara: Thank you for the answer, the link you have sent has helped me find my answer. Looks like there is a request for enhancement raised and this feature may come in the later versions.
Unfortunately, I am unable to attach the screenshot, I have been trying to do this since last 2 hours but its not allowing me to do so. So, I am sorry I cannot show you the screenshot.
These links helped me to understand my problem, thanks for showing me the path.