Linking test case execution record to a test case while import from Excel to RQM
I'd like to ask if is there a way to create test case and test case execution record and to link them while import from Excel to RQM?
I think even not to add additional cells in the Excel for the test case execution record - I need only the name and I will take it from the test case title.
Do anyone have an idea how to link and create while import?
One answer
Hi, Rachel
In general, you can refer to Samples: Testplan_Testcase_Testscript_TER_Environment_Iteration_AllInOne.cfg
and its excel file and only take the part of test case and test case execution record in the cfg file.
If you want a bit more specific examples, you can refer to
Migrate test case, test script, execution workitem and
execution result and make corresponding linkage.
and focus on
List 3.Make 1-1 linkage with the test case and execution workitem
I hope this helps.
rachel bruk
Mar 15 '17, 6:47 a.m.actually I succeed partially to link them, but I have many records of test cases in the Excel sheet - only the last one linked to test case execution record and not all the records above.
Donald Nong
Mar 15 '17, 9:44 p.m.Reusing cells for different type of artifacts is a bad idea. In your case, the execution results will be generated once then be linked to a test case (the last one as you have observed). There is no way the tool is "smart" enough to generate the execution results multiple times and link to test cases one by one. Keep in simple and make them in a layered structure, and you should be good to go.