Does CLM 6.0 support the idle standby configuration

Is the deployment wiki about the idle standby configuration for the CLM detailed in the wiki
supported in the CLM 6.0 release as well .
Also are all the CLM applications including global configuration and RELM supported
I could not find the information for the same in the CLM 6.0 infocenter pages.
Is the deployment wiki about the idle standby configuration for the CLM detailed in the wiki
supported in the CLM 6.0 release as well .
Also are all the CLM applications including global configuration and RELM supported
I could not find the information for the same in the CLM 6.0 infocenter pages.
One answer

I am not aware of any reason why it should be no longer supported. I couldn't find it in the 6.0 help, as you mention, but in the 6.0.1 help (under development) it is available: and points back to the deployment Wiki.
I am not aware of any technical reason, why this should not work with 6.0.
I am not aware of any technical reason, why this should not work with 6.0.