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How to load local workspace(sandbox) with scm

I have created repository workspace with command
lscm create ws 2583_HMI_20_EPO -s 2583_HMI_2.0_Main -r https://myserver.pcm.endress.com:9443/jazz -u myid -P mypassword
the respose was:
Arbeitsbereich (1447) "2583_HMI_20_EPO" wurde erfolgreich erstellt
the command for loading ws fails.
lscm load -r myserver:9443/jazz -u myid -P mypassword -d D:\Sandbox\HMI_Test workspace @1446
the response is:
Fehler bei Ausfuehrung von 'load':
workspace "workspace" ohne Entsprechung
Accepted answer

As Ralph points out the load syntax could be one of the following:
where the sandbox is D:\Sandbox\HMI_Test and 1447 is the alias of the workspace.
where the sandbox is "D:\Sandbox\HMI_Test workspace" and 1447 is the alias of the workspace.
One other answer

lscm load -r myserver:9443/jazz -u myid -P mypassword -d D:\Sandbox\HMI_Test workspace @1446
I don't think workspace belongs there in the help https://jazz.net/help-dev/clm/index.jsp?re=1&topic=/com.ibm.team.scm.doc/topics/c_scm_cli.html&scope=null it is in brackets which means it has to be replaced by
The workspace to load. To specify the workspace, use its name[@repo], alias, or UUID[@repo].
You could also have a space too many or an underscore too few.