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How do I duplicate a work item editor page or section in the Web UI?

Robert Huet (23113984) | asked Jul 02 '15, 2:09 p.m.
 The Web UI seems like a better platform to edit work item presentations, since the attributes are laid out as they would appear on the page.  However, I don't see any option to duplicate a page or section in the Web UI.  Also, I don't see any indication of "shared content" in the web UI.  Are these capabilities missing form the web UI, or am I just not seeing it?  I know these can be done from the Eclipse client, but it seems strange to enable part of this use case in the Web UI and just leave out a small piece that would make it fully functional.

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Alexandre Stegani (8664) | answered Jul 02 '15, 6:33 p.m.
Hi Robert,

Currently it is not possible to duplicate a presentation in the WebUI, this is avaiable only in Eclipse.

We already have an enhancement request for this. Please subscribe to the following work item:

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