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display attribute values of related items in query result

Following use case:
I have a work item A with attributes A1, A2, A3
There is a related work item B with attributes B1, B2, B3
I like to create a query where in the result table following columns are displayed:
A1 | A2 | A3 | B1 | B3
--- > I like to display in the query result table of work item A some attributes of the related work item B.
Only thing that is possible is showing the link to work item B in the "related" column.
A1 | A2 | A3 | link to B
That that does not give me dedicated values of work item B in the table. (Yes, hovering over the link opens the details page of work item B, that's not what I need.)
Is there a way to realise above use case?
(I found an enhancement request from 9 years ago that covers my question, I think. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be relised yet.)
One answer

Did you consider using Report Builder to resolve your problem?. I think you should to this way because that will be easiest way to get such a view.
I checked the enhancement request and it was to implemented.

Hi Bartocz,
yes I tried to solve with Report Builder, and it solves the problem described - but I am running then into the next problem: Reports do not display all kind of fields e.g. not description fields of a work item (because its too large with > 32.000 characters). But this field contains important information for me.
In a "normal" query I can display the attribute "description", but not in a report.