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Error while loading repository workspace in RTC 6.0.1 VS 2013 clients

CRRTC8500E: Server Error: Can not create sandbox at given location. Invalid URI: The Uri string is too long
Exception type:
Exception message:
Can not create sandbox at given location.
Inner exception:
System.UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The Uri string is too long.
at com.ibm.team.foundation.service.WebRequestInvocationProxy.Invoke(IMessage myIMessage) in c:\RTC_BUILDS\I6.0.1_20151106-1439\Foundation\ServiceInterfaceProxy\WebRequestInvocationProxy.cs:line 122
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)
at com.ibm.team.filesystem.service.rest.IFilesystemRestClient.getLoadCFA(ParmsLoad parms, IProgressMonitor progress)
at com.ibm.team.filesystem.client.FilesystemClient.ValidateLoadWorkspace(String copyFileArea, ITeamRepository repository, String workspaceItemId, FoldersInComponent[] foldersToLoad, IProgressMonitor monitor) in c:\RTC_BUILDS\I6.0.1_20151106-1439\Filesystem\FilesystemClient\FilesystemClient.cs:line 4419
at com.ibm.team.scm.ui.wizards.loadrepositoryworkspace.LoadValidator_VS.RunOperation(Object arg, IProgressMonitor monitor) in c:\RTC_BUILDS\I6.0.1_20151106-1439\SCM\ScmUILibrary_VS\wizards\loadrepositoryworkspace\VisualStudioScmClientLoadHelper.cs:line 122the Sandbox location is C:\temp\vs on my local disk.
I am trying the option "load components as root folders"
How can we rectify this?
Thank you
2 answers


I already had a look but not sure where to set the property "LimitRequestLine" specified in that answer.

It is supposed to be a property of the IBM HTTP Server. there is likely a conf file for it and you could search for IBM HTTP Server help.
https://www.google.com/search?q=LimitRequestLine+IBM+HTTP+Server helped me to find it in 30 seconds.
This is not a CLM application advanced property.

Didn't know it's a property of IBM HTTP server. I've been searching in Google only with the property name and no relevant results.

The accepted answer mentioned that it was IHS.
This could be potentially related to any place that limits the length of the URI string. I was not able to find a lot more results for this symptom.

changing the property value in IHS had no effect in our case.