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How do I find a "phantom" consumer key ?

Bruno Di Giandomenico (501124) | asked Jun 09 '15, 3:36 a.m.
edited Jun 09 '15, 7:22 p.m. by Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035)


I have uploaded a Rhapsody model into Design Manager and I am now trying to link it to DOORS (traditional).

In parallel I am trying to install JRS talking to the support because there are some problems.

As a result of the suggested changes, I have some problems now with my Rhapsody model. There were a couple of requirements linked to DOORS and now Rhapsody tells me that I should login into DOORS, but that I cannot do it because I recevive this message "Unable to access remote OSLC server, "DOORS ERS Repository  (https://xxxxxxxxx:8443/dwa/public/rootservices)".
Consumer Key: 58e4dfa0-3c55-4fbd-a827-2a2cfc9c2b07.
The consumer key needs to be authorized by an administrator on the remote server.)

I have tried to find the consumer key in all the apps of RTC (DM, JTS, QM, RM & VVC) and I cannot find it anywhere.

Is there a way to track it down ?

2 answers

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jun 09 '15, 3:44 a.m.
edited Jun 09 '15, 3:45 a.m.
The link goes to DWA (Doors web?) I would start there. In the Jazz Applications there are two places the Friends and the consumers. Friends go out and consumers come in. Start there - I am not sure DWA has the same Admin UI.

Bruno Di Giandomenico commented Jun 09 '15, 3:57 a.m.

Thanks for the answer

 I have tried what you suggest, but with no luck. I only have two keys there, one in the Local Keys for the DM outbound and one for the Remote Services for the JTS inbound.
Nothing more.
I have tried to authorise the key from the Local Keys (it does not make sense to authorise it from the Remote Services, it seems a loop) with no luck.
That is why I thought there must have something left in RTC somewhere

Ralph Schoon commented Jun 09 '15, 4:25 a.m.

I don't know where the link is used. In the model? In RTC the links are in the Consumers and in Friends.

Sorry, I can't help more.

Bruno Di Giandomenico commented Jun 09 '15, 8:53 a.m.

 I also tried to delete any links in the model, and it still tells me the same things, whenever I tried to crete a New Remote Link from an artifact in Rhapsody.

Does that help ?

permanent link
Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jun 10 '15, 2:05 a.m.
A couple of things to check.
1. Did the Rhapsody OSLC-RM integration work before?
2. Has the link been accidentally remove from the Friends(Outbound) section of /dm/admin?
3. If you cannot see the consumer key, can you see the name or the URL at all (i.e. with a different consumer key).
The bottom line is that if you have Rhapsody OSLC-RM integration in place, you should see the link in the Friends(Outbound) section. You may have done it already, but you can check out the below demo video, and from (0:40) it shows how to create the Rhapsody friend.!/wiki/Wecb8ab5c4be5_4a1e_a0d0_e5a706eb66dc/page/Rhapsody%20OSLC-RM%20Integration

Bruno Di Giandomenico commented Jun 11 '15, 2:12 a.m.

 Sorry I was traveling yesterday.

As answers to your questions:
  1. Yes it did. I am trying to solve another problem with the JRS installation about which I opened a PMR, and the suggestions I get from the helpdesk are causing havoc with some other applications, namely DM, which apparently breaks.
  2. As a result of the activities for the solution of the PMR I might have accidentally removed a key.
  3. Do not completely understand what you mean. I see the name of the friend (as per initial question) in Rhapsody and the key code, but I cannot find it in any RTC applications. Does it help ? 
I am going to look at the video now and see if it can help. Hope so !

Bruno Di Giandomenico commented Jun 11 '15, 9:40 a.m.

 A little snag. The video is about Doors NEXT Generation, I have the problem with the traditional DOORS, not RM, and they are not the same. There is a different UI in DOORS 9.6, with some different meaning (Remote services & Local Keys) even if the underlying concept is the same, I suppose.

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