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How to know deep all the tables on the Data Warehouse to acces by JRS?

Iciar Matilde Olocco y Garcia (731520) | asked May 22 '15, 3:52 p.m.
Hello everyone!
I have a question regarding how to know all the tables on the data Ware house in Rational.
I now that we have 3 types of schemas:
  • RIDW 
I also read the article Deep Dive Data Warehouse Reporting using the Jazz Reporting Service, but I need to know more, because in my team we have created a custom work item type with the following custom attributes (besides other OOTB attributes):
- 'Stakeholders' custom attribute, represented by the attribute type of 'contributor'.
- 'Score' custom attribute, represented by the attribute type of 'enumeration', with a list of values from 1 to 10.
The purpose of this WI type would be to capture the 'score' which should be provided by stakeholders on how they think the product/solution we deliver is doing.
Then, a JRS report would calculate the average score for each of the Releases (by using OOTB 'Found In' attribute).

The problem that I have is the following:
On the JRS server, I can not find the table that contain 'Stakeholders' custom attribute, .

Additional info about our development environment:
    JRS 5.0.2 including DCC component
    About the Jazz Reporting Service
    Version: 5.0.2
    Build ID: JRS_5.0.2-I20141028-2014
    CCM & JTS are 5.0.2

Many thanks in advance,

3 answers

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Theresa Ramsey (1915) | answered May 26 '15, 10:36 a.m.
 Hi Iciar,
You can look at the data dictionary or try for more info on the data model. 

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Lidija Grahek (461) | answered May 25 '15, 11:24 a.m.
Hi Ichi,

Please take a look at  JRS v5.0.2 not filtering custom attributes of a custom Work Item type. It seems the discussion in that thread is applicable to your question

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Iciar Matilde Olocco y Garcia (731520) | answered May 26 '15, 9:27 a.m.
Thanks Lidija, but the problem that we have (Vicky and me work together) that we don't have a model to know where we need to look for.

I need to know the available tables in each schema. I could not find that. Some on Jazz or Rational can help us?

Thanks agaiN!

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