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RQM 5: How to set Email rules in RQM

Naveen Tyagi (19778152) | asked May 18 '15, 4:00 a.m.
 How can email rules to be set in RQM, Instead of sending email to everyone when Test case  [workflow] state changes, i want to restrict it to the only team members responsible for that perticluar state of Test Case .?  Thanking you in advance . :) :)

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Brett Bohnn (94111157) | answered May 18 '15, 12:46 p.m.
Hi Naveen,

That is currently not an option in RQM. There really is no concept of configuring email rules. When you say "Instead of sending email to everyone when Test case  [workflow] state changes," are you referring to all approvers in the formal review of a test case?


Naveen Tyagi commented May 19 '15, 3:08 a.m.

 Hi Brett,
Yes, actually mail is being sent to the members only when i added them for approval and review but i want something more to track the current status of the Test Case through email-
1) if i created a test case and now i am changing its Initial state from 'Draft' to "Check Environment" then how can i set rules for some members are responsible for to "Check Environment" get a Email notification so that they receive mail and start working on it. 
2) Lets suppose after "Check Environment" next state is check "Software Requirement" so when "Check Environment" team done with their Job they can change the state from "Check Environment" to "Check Software Requirement" so that this team gets the main and start working on it and so on....
3) After we are done with all the [Check/Requirement] states next state of my custom workflow is UNDER REVIEW so when last team change to under review than people responsible for review must get notification and start reviewing process.

Naveen Tyagi commented May 19 '15, 3:09 a.m.

 4) After Review next state of custom workflow is approval so the who is responsible for approval for test case approves it and "Test Case Execution" Team gets a email notification something like "Id:233 Test case has been approved and now ready for execution."
If RQM doesn't have an option to set "Email Rules" then what is the alternative solution to this problem ?

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