I can't save the test plan on the RQM web repository. If I download and install RQM in my machine, will I be able to change permissions and the provider configuration?
3 answers
The funny thing is that I have a quality professional license <v:shapetype> <v:stroke> <v:formulas> <v:f> <v:f> <v:f> <v:f> <v:f> <v:f> <v:f> <v:f> <v:f> <v:f> <v:f> <v:f> </v:f> </v:f> </v:f> </v:f> </v:f> </v:f> </v:f> </v:f> </v:f> </v:f> </v:f> </v:f> </v:formulas> <v:path> <o:lock> </o:lock> </v:path> </v:stroke> </v:shapetype> <v:shape> <v:imagedata> & </v:imagedata> </v:shape> I’m an appl RQM admin but I can't save a TP. Only a Jazzuser. Thanks