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Excel importer - linking results to existing test cases to an exist test suite while upload from Excel to RQM

rachel bruk (17115) | asked May 14 '17, 10:19 a.m.


At any given time we test a test suit through external tool.
I would like to keep the running results in RQM as follows:
Linking to an exist test suite existing test cases with their results,
or creating new test suit with existing test cases and their results.

Looking for a way generate it with minimum imports/exports from Excel to RQM.
An example of Excel and a configuration file will definitely help!

Thanks in advance!

One answer

permanent link
Mehul Patel (9695) | answered May 25 '17, 4:52 a.m.


You can use 'LinkExisting' to link your testcase with existing testsuite, something like this,
            testcase.testsuite=LinkExisting(F) // column F holds list of testsuit id


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