RQM Dashboard Widgets - Customization
2 answers
Of course this is possible.
But my suggestion to this topic is: Write your own Widgets!
Those from IBM are mostly garbage and it's a lot of work to get into them.
But with a Widget you can do whatever you want...
The guys from Siemens started to do so!
This is a video about the "Timebox Planning Tool"
Here's the manual to create viewlets
Thanks. I am looking to modify and existing report-viewlet design to dispay a different chart-design. So, i need to first go through the source to see how its designed and then i can either customize it or put in a new one.
Which package has the source and how is it reading live data?
Please advise.
Hy VK,
I guess you should think about what a Widget is.
It is like a separate Application which runs on the Jazz-Server with it's own code.
All Widgets are globally available due to it's ID's.
Widgets are created with the "Dojo Framework" (Javascript)
You have now 2 possibilities.
1: You can take an already existing Widget and manipulate it.
But I don't recommend that! First I don't know about the license rules and second
it's a bit dangerous, because it'll be overwritten with an RTC-update.
2: You analyze an already given Widget. And implement your own logic.
Charting with dojo (examples)
Dojo API
Dojo Diagrammer
How to find Code on already exising Widgets.
1: Install something like firebug
2: Open a Dashboard and add the wished Widget (E.g. About Me)
3: Change the URL (Add "?debug=true" in front of #)
This will load the javascripts clearText.
4: Reload Page and watch the NET(XHR) Panel (Get-Request)
Something with "Viewlet" in it.
5: Now you have the ID of this Widget
6: Change to the "Scripts" Panel and search the ID
Et Voila you have now the Code
But be careful! IBM writed it's widgets with old Dojo code (Pre-AMD)
1 vote
How to read live data.
There are 2 possibilites too.
1: You analyze the server and how it gets it data.
e.g. The Client which handles the user things
2: You get your data through REST (XHR-Get)
How to get all Widget ID's
1: Install a REST Client (Browser Plugin)
2: Header:
OSLC-Core-Version: 2.0
Accept: rdf/rdf OR text
3: https://<server>/<application>/jfs/WidgetCatalog