While creating categoryType using Rest API - I am getting 403 Error.
Accept: application/rdf+xml
OSLC-Core-Version: 2.0
X-Jazz-CSRF-Prevent: 00002mT2kZHJgS67Jd5U-2PPFkU:-1
Content-Type: application/rdf+xml
In the Body i'm putting the response i got from using the below url
and performed POST operation i am getting 403 error. i may be wrong in sending the xml body for the POST operation. i could not generate slug id as well.
Kindly help me to get the xml body for POST method. Or in case if i am following wrong steps please guide me to create a category type in RQM using Rest API
2 answers
URL :https://localhost:9443/qm/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/Playground+%28Quality+Management%29/category
I used GET Method and got a response
X-Jazz-CSRF-Prevent - 0000f3-2rBvym1_iEWvJF6CWDHA:38b80db6-47d5-4c8d-9ac8-ec8b9dd4f7fd
Content-Type - application/xml
Accept - application/xml
Body : Response from the URL : https://localhost:9443/qm/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/Playground+%28Quality+Management%29/category
Slug id cannot be created. 403 forbidden error
Sounds like you have the incorrect request body. The request body should consist of a single category, not a list of categories.
1 vote
Thank you so much Donald. I changed the request body to single category then it worked.
You should check your permissions to this project area.
1 - Open your project
2 - Go to Administration
3 - Manage This Project Area
4 - Permissions.
Also make you sure you are a member of the project area in.
1 - Go to Administration
2 - Manage Project Area
3 - Members
Let me know if any of this helped.
Donald Nong
Apr 12 '16, 3:31 a.m.What's the detailed message in the response body? It should give you a clue what's going on.
ast java
Apr 12 '16, 5:37 a.m.It says Permission Denied - 403 Forbidden error
ast java
Apr 12 '16, 8:30 a.m.i can update a category value and category so same permissions are required for creation as well if i am not wrong.
i need to know what needs to be given in request body for performing POST method to get slug id.
ast java
Apr 12 '16, 8:31 a.m.i can update a category value and category so same permissions are required for creation as well if i am not wrong.
i need to know what needs to be given in request body for performing POST method to get slug id.
ast java
Apr 13 '16, 2:00 a.m.Slug id i cannot create using the xml representation of response from category. Whether i am trying a wrong xml?