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not able to retrieve data based on Oslc.where query

Vinoth Kumar (111) | asked Apr 21 '16, 8:11 a.m.

I am using the below query to retrieve all the data, which were modified after 12/02/2015, unfortunately i am listed with all the available data. But i am looking to filter the condition based on the below query. Can someone shed some light on this.

I even tried with oslc.orderby=-dcterms:modified but that too didn't help

https://server:9343/qm/oslc_qm/contexts/_EXk_cJKnEeSuIs04gMjYWw/resources/ dcterms:modified>="2015-12-02T18:42:30"

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Apr 22 '16, 4:39 a.m.
edited Apr 22 '16, 4:40 a.m.
For RQM, OSLC API is a bit lacking behind. The reportable REST API is well established though, and you should use that instead. For your case, use the modifiedSince parameter.

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