Calculate defect density of project

I want to calculate defect density of project. what i mean is I have to get count of all the defect type of work item in the project and count of total number of test case, divide total number of defects by total number of test cases. This gives me defect density of project. After I get this value I need to display it on the dashboard.
What would be the best way to achieve it. Any pointers/guidance is greatly appreciated.
2 answers

Hi Dastan,
By using Jazz Reporting Service, you could create a custom report. You would have to use the Advanced SQL option to do this, calculate the totals for Defects, the totals for Test Cases and then combine them together for the final calculation. If you require further assistance, you may contact IBM Support for guidance.
Kind regards,

Hi Clara,
It would be very handy if this is achieved using reporting, I was thinking about RTC extension and OSLC API to achieve this task. Thank you for the suggestion, I will definitely give it a try using Reporting,
Please look into below minor queries,
calculate the totals for Defects - Can I do it in the Advanced SQL option of JRS itself ?
calculate the totals for Test Cases - Can I do it in the Advanced SQL option of JRS itself ?
It would be very useful if you provide some pointers to get started with Advance SQL
section of JRS

Hi Dastan,
Those individual totals can be calculated using the UI in Report Builder (RB). Select the artifact you want the totals of (Work Item, Test Case). Add the conditions needed, if any (e.g. Creation Date, Iteration). In the Format Results page add a calculated column that counts the total of artifacts. At this point you can look at the Advanced SQL section and see the SQL generated by RB. For your calculation, you will have to put together those two SQL statements and then do the division to calculate the density.
In the Advanced SQL section you can enter any SELECT statement you need to query the data warehouse. You can use the auto generated SQL statements to verify in which tables the data is, and see how some of the OOTB calculations are made. If you require further assistance, please contact IBM Support.
Thank you,