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Show and Stored data from database external RTC

Juan Manuel Arriaza Vergara (1111) | asked Apr 23 '15, 10:19 a.m.
Hi,  please , i need help for the next question for know its possible develop (Java API) the next this a  very "original" client has happened.
  • -  In RTC is required when enter a Workitem all data of the atributes is saved further in a DB external.
  • - To Consult and open an Workitem first check  the data stored in the DB external and show the data in this DB external. (the data in DB external predominate above the DB internal), and the save the workitem the information is stored in the DB external.

  I need to know if prevous is posible but I also see problems for example the information RTC reports  can do different the registered in the DB external and also the querys. I also see problems with formats or data types.

Please your's Help

2 answers

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Robert Carter (42928789) | answered Apr 23 '15, 10:47 a.m.
 To point #1.  Yes you can do this with the Java APIs.  You have two options.  1. Create a Java Client that runs a query to retrieve a list of WorkItems you want to process.  Then with each work Item you extract the data and load it into the External DB.  2. Is to create a Follow-Up Action that Dumps the Work Item information into the external database.

While #1 is technically possible I would have to ask the "why" question to understand more.

#2 This is not possible within the GUI of RTC.  However, you use the Java APIs to write an Audit program that would compare External Database to RTC Database and report discrepancies.

A Better Solution, Inc.

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Juan Manuel Arriaza Vergara (1111) | answered Apr 23 '15, 11:36 a.m.
Thanks Robert.

For point # 1: The customer aims to save data to an external DB so that information can be used and modified by other applications.

For point # 2: I'm not clear if achieved inquire correctly. the question is: Is it possible that when you open a workitem information that populates the fields to be extracted from an external database?


Robert Carter commented Apr 23 '15, 11:50 a.m.

1 - The OSLC and REST APIs expose RTC data to external applications.  That means external applications can have read/write (with appropriate authorization) to data inside RTC.  I would suggest looking into the Rational Integration Adapters with can provide integrations of RTC with a number of predefined and external sources.  This will give you the ability to sync information across different systems.

2 - There is a notion of attribute customization.  Here you can define JavaScripts that run and populate database based on other fields.  The nice thing here is you can grab data from external sources and use it for values.  Look here at HTTP Value Sets

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