Hello,everybody.Please help me to solve a jazz on the issue

I am the one-China jazzuser,just beginning to learn jazz.I am in accordance with the tutorial Web site to install the database encountered a problem.
the tutorial's name is:Building a Jazz Repository database
I want to use repotools (command-line) to build a database at my local computer. My database is Oracle database.
So I create a new file named teamserver.properties:
the content of the file like this:
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
# (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2005, 2008. All Rights Reserved.
# Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights:
# Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule
# Contract with IBM Corp.
# Properties file for configuring IBM Team Server
# Database settings
# DERBY Configuration
# JDBC DB location, specifying this property disables system-based selection of default location
#com.ibm.team.repository.db.vendor = DERBY
#com.ibm.team.repository.db.jdbc.location = repositoryDB
# DB2 configuration
# Comment out above lines, uncomment the following three lines and customize example location to use DB2
#com.ibm.team.repository.db.vendor = DB2
# DB2 requires a path where the content tablespace should be created, examples for Win and Linux follow
# Configure the size of the tablespace to be created, in 4K pages.
# This is a hard limit and will need to be raised for a production database.
# Your DB2 DBA will need to monitor the utilization of the CONTENTS tablespace and grow it as needed.
# Defaulting to 250,000 pages, or 1GB.
# Oracle configuration
# Comment out above lines, uncomment the following three lines and customize example location to use Oracle
com.ibm.team.repository.db.vendor = ORACLE
# localhost connection strings should not include preceding //
# non-localhost connection strings MUST include preceding //
# DB2i configuration
# Comment out above lines, uncomment the following three lines and customize example location to use DB2i
#com.ibm.team.repository.db.vendor = DB2i
#com.ibm.team.repository.db.jdbc.location=//hostname;hold statements=true;user=jazzDBuser;password={password};
# DB2z configuration
# Comment out above lines, uncomment the following lines and customize example location to use DB2z
#com.ibm.team.repository.db.vendor = db2z
# Location name of the DB2z sub-system.
# ipAddress, ipPort and location be obtained by running the DB2 command -DISPLAY DDF
# DB2z Database name
# DB2z Bufferpool name
# DB2z Storage Group name
# J2EE database connection example
#com.ibm.team.repository.db.type = J2EE
#com.ibm.team.repository.db.j2ee.dataSource = /jdbc/jazz
# Setting this value to 'true' opens a wide security hole. Only set it to 'true'
# in development time, when security isn't important and the developer
# doesn't wish to spend time configuring true J2EE authentication.
com.ibm.team.repository.ws.allow.identity.assertion = false
# Used for product packaging
com.ibm.team.repository.web.pageorder = {"com.ibm.team.repository.web.admin": \
, \
"com.ibm.team.process.web.projectArea": \
"com.ibm.team.process.web.projectAreaList": \
com.ibm.team.repository.web.suppressedPages = {"com.ibm.team.repository.web.admin": \
com.ibm.team.repository.web.helpuri = http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/rtc/v1r0m0/index.jsp
# Freshness specification, in seconds, for ChangeEvent scrubbing. Items older than this are
# deleted from the database. For the itemTypes WorkItem and BuildResult (as specified in
# "changeEvent.expirationByType") freshness spec is 60 days and 2 days, respectively. The
# default age, (as specified in "changeEvent.expirationDefault") is 14 days.
# All times must be represented in seconds.
# Values for the "changeEvent.expirationByType" and "changeEvent.expirationByCategory"
# properties are space-delimited. Each value is a tuple of
# itemType shortName or longName, separated by ':', followed by a maxage
# value in seconds. Whitespace is not allowed between the itemType, ':', and
# maxage value. For "expirationByCategory", "itemType" is replaced by a category
# string, as would be found in the category field of ChangeEvent.
com.ibm.team.repository.changeEvent.expirationDefault = 1209600
com.ibm.team.repository.changeEvent.expirationByType = com.ibm.team.workitem.WorkItem:5184000 com.ibm.team.build.BuildResult:172800
com.ibm.team.repository.changeEvent.expirationByCategory = SystemLog:259200
# Fulltest index location
I use the DOS command like this:
..\repotools.bat -createTables teamserver.properties=teamserver.properties
In the course of reported errors is as follows:
F:\>cd jazz\server\jazztalk
F:\jazz\server\jazztalk>..\repotools.bat -createTables teamserver.properties=tea
Repo Tools, Version 1.0 - I20080618-1642
Provisioning using "F:\jazz\server\\provision_profiles".
Rational Jazz Team Server - Express-C ()
Loading configuration from "file:teamserver.properties".
CRJAZ1093I Service failed to activate.
CRJAZ1126I The service "com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.rdb.ConnectionP
oolService" had some invalid configuration properties:
CRJAZ1125I The configuration property value "ORACLE" is not valid for th
e property "db.vendor". The "ORACLE" database vendor is not supported by the ser
ver license.
The database tables were not created.
I hope that friends help me solve this problem, thank you
the tutorial's name is:Building a Jazz Repository database
I want to use repotools (command-line) to build a database at my local computer. My database is Oracle database.
So I create a new file named teamserver.properties:
the content of the file like this:
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
# (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2005, 2008. All Rights Reserved.
# Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights:
# Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule
# Contract with IBM Corp.
# Properties file for configuring IBM Team Server
# Database settings
# DERBY Configuration
# JDBC DB location, specifying this property disables system-based selection of default location
#com.ibm.team.repository.db.vendor = DERBY
#com.ibm.team.repository.db.jdbc.location = repositoryDB
# DB2 configuration
# Comment out above lines, uncomment the following three lines and customize example location to use DB2
#com.ibm.team.repository.db.vendor = DB2
# DB2 requires a path where the content tablespace should be created, examples for Win and Linux follow
# Configure the size of the tablespace to be created, in 4K pages.
# This is a hard limit and will need to be raised for a production database.
# Your DB2 DBA will need to monitor the utilization of the CONTENTS tablespace and grow it as needed.
# Defaulting to 250,000 pages, or 1GB.
# Oracle configuration
# Comment out above lines, uncomment the following three lines and customize example location to use Oracle
com.ibm.team.repository.db.vendor = ORACLE
# localhost connection strings should not include preceding //
# non-localhost connection strings MUST include preceding //
# DB2i configuration
# Comment out above lines, uncomment the following three lines and customize example location to use DB2i
#com.ibm.team.repository.db.vendor = DB2i
#com.ibm.team.repository.db.jdbc.location=//hostname;hold statements=true;user=jazzDBuser;password={password};
# DB2z configuration
# Comment out above lines, uncomment the following lines and customize example location to use DB2z
#com.ibm.team.repository.db.vendor = db2z
# Location name of the DB2z sub-system.
# ipAddress, ipPort and location be obtained by running the DB2 command -DISPLAY DDF
# DB2z Database name
# DB2z Bufferpool name
# DB2z Storage Group name
# J2EE database connection example
#com.ibm.team.repository.db.type = J2EE
#com.ibm.team.repository.db.j2ee.dataSource = /jdbc/jazz
# Setting this value to 'true' opens a wide security hole. Only set it to 'true'
# in development time, when security isn't important and the developer
# doesn't wish to spend time configuring true J2EE authentication.
com.ibm.team.repository.ws.allow.identity.assertion = false
# Used for product packaging
com.ibm.team.repository.web.pageorder = {"com.ibm.team.repository.web.admin": \
, \
"com.ibm.team.process.web.projectArea": \
"com.ibm.team.process.web.projectAreaList": \
com.ibm.team.repository.web.suppressedPages = {"com.ibm.team.repository.web.admin": \
com.ibm.team.repository.web.helpuri = http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/rtc/v1r0m0/index.jsp
# Freshness specification, in seconds, for ChangeEvent scrubbing. Items older than this are
# deleted from the database. For the itemTypes WorkItem and BuildResult (as specified in
# "changeEvent.expirationByType") freshness spec is 60 days and 2 days, respectively. The
# default age, (as specified in "changeEvent.expirationDefault") is 14 days.
# All times must be represented in seconds.
# Values for the "changeEvent.expirationByType" and "changeEvent.expirationByCategory"
# properties are space-delimited. Each value is a tuple of
# itemType shortName or longName, separated by ':', followed by a maxage
# value in seconds. Whitespace is not allowed between the itemType, ':', and
# maxage value. For "expirationByCategory", "itemType" is replaced by a category
# string, as would be found in the category field of ChangeEvent.
com.ibm.team.repository.changeEvent.expirationDefault = 1209600
com.ibm.team.repository.changeEvent.expirationByType = com.ibm.team.workitem.WorkItem:5184000 com.ibm.team.build.BuildResult:172800
com.ibm.team.repository.changeEvent.expirationByCategory = SystemLog:259200
# Fulltest index location
I use the DOS command like this:
..\repotools.bat -createTables teamserver.properties=teamserver.properties
In the course of reported errors is as follows:
F:\>cd jazz\server\jazztalk
F:\jazz\server\jazztalk>..\repotools.bat -createTables teamserver.properties=tea
Repo Tools, Version 1.0 - I20080618-1642
Provisioning using "F:\jazz\server\\provision_profiles".
Rational Jazz Team Server - Express-C ()
Loading configuration from "file:teamserver.properties".
CRJAZ1093I Service failed to activate.
CRJAZ1126I The service "com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.rdb.ConnectionP
oolService" had some invalid configuration properties:
CRJAZ1125I The configuration property value "ORACLE" is not valid for th
e property "db.vendor". The "ORACLE" database vendor is not supported by the ser
ver license.
The database tables were not created.
I hope that friends help me solve this problem, thank you
3 answers

It sounds like you have missed one of the steps for setting up Oracle.
There is documentation on the setup at:
Specifically, I think you might have skipped steps 5b and 5c.
Matt Lavin
Jazz Server Team
On Fri, 2008-11-21 at 02:37 +0000, txctxc wrote:
I hope that friends help me solve this
problem, thank you
There is documentation on the setup at:
Specifically, I think you might have skipped steps 5b and 5c.
Matt Lavin
Jazz Server Team
On Fri, 2008-11-21 at 02:37 +0000, txctxc wrote:
I am the one-China jazzuser,just beginning to learn jazz.I am in
accordance with the tutorial Web site to install the database
encountered a problem.
the tutorial's name is:Building a Jazz Repository database
I want to use repotools (command-line) to build a database at my local
computer. My database is Oracle database.
So I create a new file named teamserver.properties:
the content of the file like this:
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
# (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2005, 2008. All Rights Reserved.
# Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights:
# Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule
# Contract with IBM Corp.
# Properties file for configuring IBM Team Server
# Database settings
# DERBY Configuration
# JDBC DB location, specifying this property disables system-based
selection of default location
#com.ibm.team.repository.db.vendor = DERBY
#com.ibm.team.repository.db.jdbc.location = repositoryDB
# DB2 configuration
# Comment out above lines, uncomment the following three lines and
customize example location to use DB2
#com.ibm.team.repository.db.vendor = DB2
# DB2 requires a path where the content tablespace should be created,
examples for Win and Linux follow
# Configure the size of the tablespace to be created, in 4K pages.
# This is a hard limit and will need to be raised for a production
# Your DB2 DBA will need to monitor the utilization of the CONTENTS
tablespace and grow it as needed.
# Defaulting to 250,000 pages, or 1GB.
# Oracle configuration
# Comment out above lines, uncomment the following three lines and
customize example location to use Oracle
com.ibm.team.repository.db.vendor = ORACLE
# localhost connection strings should not include preceding //
# non-localhost connection strings MUST include preceding //
# DB2i configuration
# Comment out above lines, uncomment the following three lines and
customize example location to use DB2i
#com.ibm.team.repository.db.vendor = DB2i
# DB2z configuration
# Comment out above lines, uncomment the following lines and customize
example location to use DB2z
#com.ibm.team.repository.db.vendor = db2z
# Location name of the DB2z sub-system.
# ipAddress, ipPort and location be obtained by running the DB2
command -DISPLAY DDF
# DB2z Database name
# DB2z Bufferpool name
# DB2z Storage Group name
# J2EE database connection example
#com.ibm.team.repository.db.type = J2EE
#com.ibm.team.repository.db.vendor=<VENDOR>cd jazz\server\jazztalk
F:\jazz\server\jazztalk>..\repotools.bat -createTables
Repo Tools, Version 1.0 - I20080618-1642
Provisioning using "F:\jazz\server\\provision_profiles".
Rational Jazz Team Server - Express-C ()
Loading configuration from "file:teamserver.properties".
CRJAZ1093I Service failed to activate.
CRJAZ1126I The service
oolService" had some invalid configuration properties:
CRJAZ1125I The configuration property value "ORACLE"
is not valid for th
e property "db.vendor". The "ORACLE" database
vendor is not supported by the ser
ver license.
The database tables were not created.
I hope that friends help me solve this
problem, thank you

You are correct. The Express-C version of RTC does not support Oracle.
If you would like to test out the Oracle support in the Standard
edition, you can install and test it for 60-days for free.
Matt Lavin
Jazz Server Team
On Mon, 2008-11-24 at 05:17 +0000, txctxc wrote:
If you would like to test out the Oracle support in the Standard
edition, you can install and test it for 60-days for free.
Matt Lavin
Jazz Server Team
On Mon, 2008-11-24 at 05:17 +0000, txctxc wrote:
Thank you for lavinm's answer.
but My RTC is Free version.
This version does not seem to support the Oracle database.
Do not know if there is no solution.