Test Cases is missing in Sections "Test cases"
How can Test Cases automatically be added in a Test Plan under Sections “Test Cases”, based on the selected Requirements that has been added in the same Test Plan under “Requirement Collection Links”.
All the Requirements that is in Sections “Requirement Collection Links” is linked to individual Test Cases, and it is the same Test Cases that I expect to be seen in Sections “Test Cases”.
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Hi Paul,
Thanks for your answer.
It turn out that we have some problem when using this Reconcile function.
And I see the sequence where you, select witch TC have to be included in the Test Plan
But you still have to manualy select each TC that you want to have in the TP - Here is my point, why add Requirements into the TP and still have to select each TC using this Requirements Reconcillation.
But I must live with it :-)
BR. Thor
Hi Paul,
You are right, but this is only when I make new test cases from within the Test Plan and incl. requirements.
But this is not the case when I make a new test plan and select e.g 10 requirements for this new test plan. Then I expect also to have all the test cases witch are linked to these 10 requriment - because the 10 requirement already have test cases linked from earlier time.
In this case I look like I have to manually select all the test cases for these 10 requriment.
Correct. In this case, you have to manually add the test test cases associated with the requirements to the test plan.
Also, note Can't associate existing Test Case to a Requirement (from the requirement) (28323).