Does RTC-RQM integration helps in running functional test.
We have a customer who is using RQM and QTP for automated functional testing.
The requirement which they are looking for now is that,
Whether they can get the scripts and the folder structure to be maintained in RQM, so that when they want the scripts to be executed, they can do it directly within RQM. But RQM cannot maintain folder structure.
Is using RTC Source control feature ideal in this scenario ?
One suggestion that came from the team is, ones we have RTC-RQM integration established, we can have the folder structure and the execution scripts being version controlled in RTC. Then for a corresponding work item they can associate the change set and also the corresponding Test Case also the Test Script from RQM. So when they want the scripts to executed they can make use of this RTC-RQM integrated environment.
Let me know the recommended approach.
One answer
RQM does support categories for organizing test resource (see