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RTC Load Rule

I was wondering how could I load a single file into my workspace using the load rule.
The one below is the default load rule, which part should i change to load a singe file?
<itemLoadRule alternateName="Component_Dev">
<component itemId="_7_5EoG8sEeSyEtkCdfURrw"/>
<!-- <component name="Component_Dev" /> -->
<item itemId="_7_5EpG8sEeSyEtkCdfURrw" itemType="folder"/>
<!-- <item repositoryPath="/" /> -->
Sample /zOSsrc/<folder>/<file>.<file ext>
One answer


Hi Geoffrey,
The load rule above is got by using the steps you provided.
I'm asking how to modify it to make it load just a single file in the whole component.

I believe the load rule generator tries to be "helpful", and if you load a file that is the only member of a given directory, it will generate a load rule for that directory (which implicitly will load that file). If you have more than one file in the directory, it will generate a "single item" load rule, such as:
<component itemId="_IjMtQs3tEeSGvqgXard3bQ"/>
<!-- <component name="compa" /> -->
<item itemId="_KctzoM3tEeSDEuF6atP6iA" itemType="file"/>
<!-- <item repositoryPath="/projp/barp.txt" /> -->
<sandboxRelativePath includeRepositoryPath="true"/>

how to generate a load rule for a directory, its just create for the whole component. There is no option to go deeper.

I don't understand this comment. Are you asking whether you can create a load rule for a directory? If so, the answer is yes, and the load rule you originally posted is an example of such a load rule. The component itemId needs to be specified in the load rule because folders with the same ItemId can appear in multiple components.