RTC v5.0.2
2 answers
Can you provide some more detail about the error message you are receiving? If you are using trial licenses, you might need to log in to https://[host]/jts/admin -> Manage Server -> License Key Administration, and Activate the licenses for the products you wish to use. After activating the licenses, you'll also need to make sure that they are properly assigned to your user.
Hope this helps,
The host reference you gave me does not load any content on my system which is Windows 7 Enterprise. Perhaps the Jazz Team Foundation Service is not starting
According to the supplied documentation, this should be the correct URL to access the licensing server: https://hostname:9443/jts/admin
I have located the error that is contributing to the failure of my Jazz TFS from starting:
Hi Keith, Sorry for the confusion above. You should replace the "[host]" string from the URL I supplied above with the appropriate hostname for your 5.0.2 CLM server. For example, in order to access this page on my personal server, the URL would look like this:
Are you able to provide any further details on the error you are seeing? Thanks.
My Jazz service will not start
from the description above, I can not really understand what steps you did.
If you install the Jazz products for the first time, I would suggest to do the following basic install to get a feeling for how that works.
1. Install with Tomcat and Derby
2. Start the server using the server.startup.bat
3. Run the https://<yourhostname>:9443/jts/setup, setup the server, unlock the trial licenses
Then play around with it. Note the log files in the folder log in the server folder.
After you have familiarized yourself with this, you can do more complex setup scenarios.