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Migrate from SQL to DB2 impact on DOORS 9.5 integrations

Ben Sharples (813360) | asked Mar 10 '15, 6:23 p.m.
 currently looking at upgrading our 4.0.6 version of CLM to 5.0.2, however we also need to migrate from SQL to DB2.

I currently have a number of RTC integrations with DOORS 9.5 (change management and OSLC links)

If we migrate the CLM data using Repo tools what happens in terms of OSLC links to DOORS 9.5?

My DOORS and DWA server is on a different server (we use virtual servers)

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 11 '15, 5:10 a.m.
There should be no impact on the integrations. The integrations happen in the application and are unrelated to the database management provider.

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