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Report Builder, looking for Modified by/created by in RQM, RTC and RDNG

lau lorenzen (112) | asked Dec 20 '16, 8:07 a.m.
I like to create a report showing, which user has created test plans, Test cases, Requirements over time. I am not able to finde the field named modified by in the list over avaliable fields

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Kenji Sarai (96039) | answered Dec 20 '16, 9:15 p.m.
edited Dec 20 '16, 9:20 p.m.
Hi Iau,
If you cannot find the desired field in the list, you may consider editing a SQL query manually. However, in the target database view VW_TESTPLAN or VW_TESTCASE, there is no such column "Modified by" or "Created by". So unfortunately these information is not loaded into data warehouse.

Note that for other elements such as RTC workitem, there is a column "Creator_name" in VW_Request. So you can show who has created a workitem in Report Builder report.

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