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Progress in cross-project plan not shown?

Accepted answer


Thanks Geoff, I had only played with task work item effort roll up and had not realized that complexity is not rolled up.

I also think that Epics should show progress as a cumulation of all story points contributing to it.
The way I would imagine this to work would with cross-project plans is to show progress on each one of the contributing epics plut the cumulative progress of the top-level (cross-project) epic. Currently one can only see story points done if a link is to a story. That is a bit too low-level for a lot of my apps

Cross Project Plans don't solve all problems. The roll up data from a plan snapshot. They don't roll up across several plans,e.g. if you have work items in an iteration plan that have children in other plans, their effort or progress is only rolled up if you trace the items on the other plan.
You can achieve something in that direction using http://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2012/07/31/rtc-update-parent-duration-estimation-and-effort-participant/ . The question is only, does that scale for a lot of work items with deep hierarchies.
One other answer

please see https://jazz.net/library/article/1152 for an introduction of how cross project plans work. You have to create a planned snapshot on the iteration plans that show the tracked Epics. That stores the current planning and makes it available for roll up. In addition, the cross project plan must track said iteration plans.