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Floating licenses statistics

Amir Sinay (181420) | asked Feb 22 '15, 8:25 a.m.
I'm currently looking for a way to get statistics regarding the usage of the floating licenses in our system.
I found that in JTS under reports I may see some simple graphs of usage and denials, however in that case I can not see the user that got a denial, and the number that displayed there may be of the same user who trying to perform the same operation and therefore this number is kinda useless. 
I found this article:
that suggests to open the logging option, however I'm using version 5.0.2 and there is no such option anymore.
In the advanced options I turned the following option: "Enable Floating License Logging" to true, however the logs are still not writing the user name of the denial or any other helpful information.
Is there any smart way to get those statistics from the system in 5.0.2 version?  

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Feb 23 '15, 8:24 a.m.
You can run separate token license reports for each application (RQM, RTC, CQ, etc.) in the Rational Licensee Key Server Administration and Reporting Tool.  For more information, see:

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