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Forbid automatic creation of Affected by link from RQM

Miroslav Zaninovic (36727) | asked Jun 29 '20, 8:06 a.m.

We would like to prevent automatic creation of Affected by link for some work item types, when work item is created from RQM.

We followed the article Link type affected by  is hidden in RTC work item, and it is not available in the list possible links in work items, but it is still created and visible in DNG.

When work item is created from RQM, links are created automatically. Work item is not aware of link, there is no link in WI, but requirement has link affected by between requirement and work item.

We would like to forbid automatic creation of affected by link for specific work item type.

Version is iFix007. Is it a bug or expected behavior.

Does editor presentation hide links or forbid creation of links?

Thank you

Accepted answer

permanent link
Vijay Patil (4813) | answered Jun 30 '20, 6:19 a.m.
Hi Miroslav,

I think, you are talking about the "Affected By" link that is created between Requirement and Work Item, when a Work Item is created while executing RQM Test Case.

Currently there is no way to prevent creation of this "Affected By" link. Basically, when a RQM Test Case is linked to the Requirement and when a Work Item is created while executing Test Case, then RQM automatically creates the "Affected By" link between Requirement and Work Item.

I would suggest to open an RFE in RQM for this scenario with use case.

Vijay Patil.
Miroslav Zaninovic selected this answer as the correct answer

Miroslav Zaninovic commented Jun 30 '20, 8:58 a.m.
Thank You.

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