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How do I set Project Associations in CLM 5.0?

Jeff Birkner (15810) | asked Sep 23 '14, 8:34 a.m.
retagged Sep 24 '14, 11:33 a.m. by Dejan Custic (2855)

I have created three Project Areas in our CLM 5.0 system.  One for RM, one for QM and one for CCM.
I would like to understand the proper way to set the Project Associations (Application Administration --> Overview --> Associations) between these Project Areas.

I have set the following:

In the RM Project Area
    Uses - Implementation Requests from CCM
    Uses - Requirements Change Requests from CCM

    Provides - Requirements to QM
    Uses - Implementation Requests from QM
    Uses - Requirements Change Requests from QM

In the QM Project Area
    Provides - Change Sets to CCM
    Provides - Related Change Requests to CCM
    Uses - Defects from CCM
    Uses - Quality Management Tasks from CCM

    Provides - Implementation Requests to RM
    Provides - Requirements Change Requests to RM
    Uses - Requirements from RM

In the CCM Project Area
    Provides - Defects to QM
    Provides - Quality Management Tasks to QM
    Provides - Related Change Requests to QM
    Uses - Change Sets from QM

    Provides - Implementation Requests to RM
    Provides - Requirements Change Requests to RM

Are these the proper Associations for the RM, QM and CCM Project Areas?

Also, I noticed that, in most cases, for every "Uses" there is a corresponding "Provides" on the other side of the association.
For example:
    In the RM Project Area
        Uses - Implementation Requests from CCM
corresponds to:
    In the CCM Project Area
        Provides - Implementation Requests to RM

However for this case there are two "Provides" and no "Uses"
    In the QM Project Area
        Provides - Related Change Requests to CCM

    In the CCM Project Area
        Provides - Related Change Requests to QM

Can someone please explain why this is so?

Is there a recent whitepaper or a article on this topic?



Paul Slauenwhite commented Sep 23 '14, 9:45 a.m.

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Rosa Naranjo (2.9k11723) | answered Sep 23 '14, 10:06 a.m.
I think this would have been alot easier had you created a lifecycle project. Do you know about lifecycle projects?
With a lifecycle project, you already get the project associations set up automatically among other things.

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