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Workload/Planning - Is Cross-project the final solution or JRS?

Mahari Hill (4861179230) | asked Feb 18 '15, 8:14 a.m.
edited Feb 18 '15, 8:15 a.m.
CLM 405


So we are getting these type of questions:

What are all of Finance's requests across projects?
What are the top 10 Finance issues across projects?
How much work is assigned to the Java team across projects?
How much work does "joe developer" have to do across projects?

I am reviewing the Cross-project planning article, but it seems I have to add a work item one at a time. Is this better in the later releases?

Also, does Cross-planning the only solution, or does JRS provide an easier way to get answers?


2 answers

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Steven Shaw (55113) | answered Mar 02 '15, 6:04 p.m.

JRS provides a way to query across all Projects that are part of a particular JTS.  It has similar functionality to the RTC query builder with the addition of being able to have the query cross project boundaries.  It can also do traceability reports between artifacts and even different artifact types in CLM (i.e. Work Item to Test Case).

For more information you can reference the following videos:

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "Cross-planning".  If the information above doesn't clarify you question, feel free to reply back.



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Steven Shaw (55113) | answered Mar 02 '15, 7:14 p.m.
 Hello again,

You mention CLM 4.0.5 at the beginning of your question.  To be clear, the self service reporting capability I reference is available in CLM 5.0.1 and the traceability reporting is available in CLM 5.0.2.



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