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Export/import reports

env Jazz 605 ifix5, using liberty, oracle back end, distributed env.
We had an issue were some widgets could not see the custom report/query they were using. As the admin, we could see the reports in RS . We did a export of all the reports and tried to import them but got something like - nothing to do or no reports to import. Thinks it was due to the reports being already there, I deleted the reports in RS and tried to reimport the zip from the previous export.
On import all I get is a " no reports to import, verify the zip contains the reports". The zip does contain queries and reportdefinition folders, each with content. Any ideas why these are not importing? Any solution to this?
We also noted is that the export of a report can only be imported into the same datawarehouse. For some reason we have 2 data warehouses defined. We can't import a report from one warehouse the another. it can only be imported back into the same warehouse.. Is this a know issue?
One answer

- About the error " no reports to import, verify the zip contains the reports"
Can you please open the exported zip file, and check if it contains "queries" and "reportDefinitions" folders, and each of them contains ".ttl" files? - If the report contains some custom attributes, then that report can be imported to a system which contains the same attributes.
If there is a mismatch in the attributes, then the report cannot be imported.