Creating RQM Reports Education Material
2 answers
The reporting team has a lot of YouTube videos that you might find helpful if you are using RRDI or Rational Insight. I'm not sure if these talk specifically about RQM or about RTC, but the principles should be the same regardless.
The reporting team has a lot of YouTube videos that you might find helpful if you are using RRDI or Rational Insight. I'm not sure if these talk specifically about RQM or about RTC, but the principles should be the same regardless.
Introduction to Report Authoring (1 of 6) 5:46 runtime
Query Studio and Data Model intro (2 of 6) 9:25 runtime
List report in Query Studio (3 of 6) 3:42 runtime
Query Studio crosstab and chart (4 of 6) 6:14 runtime
Report Studio filters and data items (5 of 6) 4:53 runtime
Report Studio filters, parameters, prompts (6 of 6) 8:34 runtime
You can try these links as well: