How can audit history of Requirements be exported to excel?

How can audit history of Requirements be exported to excel?
I see how to export audit history to pdf (via a report). And I can export the Requirements record (but only certain attributes) to excel. But don't see how to export the audit history of a Requirements record to an excel file.
I see how to export audit history to pdf (via a report). And I can export the Requirements record (but only certain attributes) to excel. But don't see how to export the audit history of a Requirements record to an excel file.
3 answers

Hi Jeffrey,
There is no feature that exports audit history to Excel.
You can get history to return in the form of a feed using the URL below.
There is no feature that exports audit history to Excel.
You can get history to return in the form of a feed using the URL below.

@Erica Tran: I tried your approach using DNG 6.0.3 on a DNG artifact with lots of changes, and this is all I receive in the feed. Does this technique still work? If so, any idea what I did wrong?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><feed xmlns="">
<title></title> <id>urn:uuid:_opFpYFzuEeeoVevQThs3UQ</id> <updated>2017-06-29T17:16:05.750Z</updated> <link rel="self" href="" type="application/atom+xml;type=feed"/> <generator>Jazz Resource Services</generator> <entry> <title></title> <author><name></name></author> <summary/> <id>urn:uuid:_opFpYVzuEeeoVevQThs3UQ</id> <updated>2017-06-28T23:45:24.174Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" href=""/>
<link rel="self" href=""/>
<content type="application/rdf+xml" src=""/>
</entry> </feed>