Can we only use to undeploy the CLM war files if we used to deploy them ?
We installed the clm war files manually using the WebSphere Application Server (WAS) GUI. When we tried using, it didn't know the existence of jts.war.
> ./ -language jython -user userid -password password -f /home/rtcdir/IBM/JazzTeamServer_1/server/was/clm_undeploy.pyWe then manually uninstalled these CLM applications using the WAS GUI and the uninstall had no issues. We then used the script to deploy the clm applications and the install had no issues. We then used the script to undeploy the clm applications and the uninstall completed successfully. Can we only use if we used to install the CLM applications ? |
One answer
Hi Jeff,
You should be able to use undeploy script even if you deployed using the GUI. The error states it could not find the jts.war application, one thing to check is if you were using the right profile. Sandy Comments
Jeff Ong
commented Sep 12 '13, 12:14 p.m.
Hi Sandy,
Your answer
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