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Can we have RRC Project jazz admin be allowed only to create RRC project and have read access only to RQM projects and vice versa?

Karthikeyan mahadevan (122) | asked Sep 20 '13, 2:45 a.m.
The Customer wanted to have one RRC project administrator to create only RRC projects and the same profile should not be allowed to create RQM project but should have read access to RQM projects, similarly
     RQM project administrator should be allowed to create only RQM projects and the same profile should not be allowed to create RRC project but should have read access to RRC project.

5 answers

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Erica Tran (1.4k7) | answered Sep 20 '13, 2:58 p.m.
Hi Karthikeyan,

You cannot customize repository permissions.  So you will not be able to restrict permissions to create projects if a user has JazzProjectAdmins privileges.  As a workaround maybe you could try restricting this permission with a client access license so the user doesn't have write permissions for an application.  But this would restrict all write access.

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Thomman TJ (9521111) | answered Sep 21 '13, 3:34 p.m.
 Hi Karthikeyan
How about using 2 JTS Servers and registering both RQM and RRC as friend application. Please review attached diagram for details.  Steps you may need to follow 

1. In RRC Server , register both RQM-JTS server  and QM Application
     a)  https://<rqm-server>:9443/jts/rootservices
     b)  https://<rqm-server>:9443/qm/rootservices

2. In RQM Server, register RTC-JTS server
   a) https://tojoseph:9443/jts/rootservices

3) Add association in both RQM Project Area and RRC Project Area

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Manoj Panda (39346762) | answered Sep 22 '13, 2:32 a.m.
I do Agree with Karthikeyan,  Logically a RRC project Admin should able to create the project in RRC not in RQM or RTC and vice-versa.

If our Jazz-development team see this question, please reply.

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Antoinette Iacobo (650712) | answered Sep 23 '13, 11:46 a.m.
From a CLM perspective, a project administrator is managing schedules and work across the entire project lifecycle and not tied to one particular application that handles that part of the project.  That's why this project administration granularity is not there.  

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Christopher Alderton (622) | answered Sep 30 '13, 1:43 a.m.
Another approach is to have two WAS instances on the one computer server. The RRC application can be installed in one instance, and RQM in the other instance. The WAS instance with RRC maps to a RRC JazzProjectAdmins LDAP group, and the WAS instance with RQM maps to a RQM JazzProjectAdmins LDAP group. So users are in the LDAP group that they need. Of course, the RQM and RRC apps have different URIs, and have to be administered separately.

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