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repotools-jts will not run

Alastair Beadle (19411218) | asked Aug 15 '14, 8:03 a.m.
On CLM5.0, after an apparent database corruption (possibly caused by the memory leak crash that the system is suffering from at the moment) I am trying to rebuild the indices. But I get the following error messages when I run the repotools-jts command:

C:\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server>repotools-jts -reindex all
Repo Tools
Provisioning using "C:\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server\conf\jts\provision_profiles".
CRJAZ0287I Failed to install the bundle "file:/C%3a/IBM/JAZZTE~1/server/conf/jts/sites/update-site/plugins/org.apache.lucene2_2.4.400.v20130320_1901.jar".
CRJAZ0288E The "" profile feature could not be installed from the "file:jts/sites/update-site" update site that is referenced in the "C:\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server\conf\jts\provision_profiles\profile.ini" profile file.
CRJAZ1834E Error provisioning the server.

I have checked for the listed lucene2... file and it is present on the server in the "C:\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server\conf\sites\update-site\plugins" directory so I am confused as to what is causing this error.

The repotools-rm command runs fine - just seems to eb a problem with repotools-jts.

Any ideas?

Håkan Kristiansson commented Aug 15 '14, 11:47 a.m.

If you are running on Linux, check the jts.log for (Too many open files)
If errors like those occur please have a look at

Regarding the memory leak itself,

Håkan Kristiansson commented Aug 15 '14, 11:50 a.m.

Sorry, just realized your transcript is from a Win box. But worthwhile checking the event logs for system resource issues

Alastair Beadle commented Aug 19 '14, 4:54 a.m.

Thanks Hakan. You were right - resource issues (disk space in this case).

Accepted answer

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Aug 18 '14, 12:04 a.m.
The repotools have their own workspaces, and that's why one works while the other may not. For JTS, it's JazzTeamServer/repotools/jts/eclipse/configuration. There should be *.log files in the workspace. Check the one with the corresponding timestamp for any errors. Failing that, search a file named "install.log" in the workspace and check for any errors in it - it should tell your why the bundles could not be installed.
Alastair Beadle selected this answer as the correct answer

Alastair Beadle commented Aug 18 '14, 11:51 a.m.

Hi Donald,
The only log file in that area is the install.log - and it does start with what looks like the problem, it says:

CRJZS0311W The profile path "C:\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server\conf\jts\provision_profiles" is not a well-formed URL. Check that the System Property "JAZZ_HOME" is set correctly to a file:///-style URL.

So it looks like JAZZ_HOME has been set without a "file:///" in front of it and the system does not like that. But that is curious as I am not aware of having set JAZZ_HOME during the installation. I am running Tomcat and am not even sure how to set environment variables under Tomcat. Perhaps the installation wizard did it for me from something I typed in. I am currently searching to find out where JAZZ_HOME is configured with Tomcat - any tips appreciated. Thanks for the help.


Donald Nong commented Aug 18 '14, 9:24 p.m.

JAZZ_HOME is defined in the repotools-jts.bat and you do not need to worry about that.

set DEFINE=%DEFINE% "-DJAZZ_HOME=file:///%PATH_URL%conf"
Also the error at the beginning of the install.log file appears to be common and you can ignore it. Go through the entire install.log and see if you can spot any other errors. I'm expecting some errors under a particular "Installing bundles from ..." line.

Alastair Beadle commented Aug 19 '14, 4:53 a.m.

Ah, OK, thank you. Yes looking further down the log file I found a disk space error - and yes, I am running low on disk space. Thanks for the help.


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