Rational Adapter for HP ALM setup received an error: "Exception during database access!"
I try to setup Rational Adapter for HP ALM, I've successfully connected to HP ALM! My account also appears in Administrators window. After clicking Save to complete setup, I receive error message : Exception during database access!" (Error: Unable to load /hpqm/rest/setup/save status:500).
Can you help me about that ?
(Rational Adapter for HP ALM v1.1 & HP ALM v11.52)
Thanks in advance!
Donald Nong
Jan 06 '15, 7:37 p.m.500 is a generic internal error code. You need to check the log files for more details.
Christopher Robinson
Jan 06 '15, 8:26 p.m.I agree with Donald. You will need to review the logs because just the status 500 just states that the action was unable to complete due to an internal error or exception.
Just review the logs for the time you first saw that status and it should give you a better idea of what you are looking for.